We understand that when your contact with global clients goes well beyond an invoice, you can open doors to strong new relationships.
Mainstream Global’s strong global presence is built on much more than processing centers. One of our key differentiators is our commitment to company diversity. Valuing diversity begins with awareness. As a certified minority and veteran-owned business, we have a deep awareness of how differences add value.
Here are four ways that you can benefit from our commitment to company diversity.
1. Compliance expertise
In reverse logistics, compliance is critical. Entering new markets means learning the legal and environmental requirements of each area. We have embraced this challenge and become experts in the countries we operate in throughout the Americas.
Our commitment to environmental compliance runs deep. As we expand to reach new markets, we have ensured that our facilities carry important environmental and safety certifications. We have expanded our R2-certified locations from the United States to Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Brazil.
Our focus on safety means that no facility is left behind. We have acquired OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management (soon to be migrated to ISO 45001) to ensure that our worker’s safety is paramount in our operations. Engagement in the communities where we operate underscores the importance of supporting our workers with a healthy and safe workplace environment.
2. Business development in rapidly emerging markets
We are seeing rapid developments in the use of technology in Latin America. From growth in cloud computing and IoT to a decreasing digital divide, many factors are driving growth in this region. Our first-hand knowledge of markets and key players allows us to take a strategic approach. The facilities that we own and operate in Latin America offer maximum efficiency in a hungry market.
3. Consistency across all facilities
Our calling card is consistency. We have an unwavering focus on quality, with stringent testing and quality control standards for all of our products. We offer uniform processes throughout our offices, with complete documentation of all that we do. Our industry certifications (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, R2) speak to consistency as well. With consistently exceptional certifications, you know what to expect from any of our locations.
4. Personal connections
Company diversity is a hallmark of Mainstream Global. We have developed deep relationships in the communities where we operate. We don’t just talk invoicing and POs; we take the time to personally engage with our customers and clients. Connecting on a personal level means taking the time to laugh together, enjoy the local foods, and engage with the culture and community.
Through these types of interactions, you learn that business is more than just shipping product out the door. We leverage this personal approach at all of our locations.
The diverse staff at Mainstream Global gives the company an upper hand in global markets. We maintain personal connections in the countries where Mainstream Global operates. Our knowledge of deep understanding of not only what drives sales in those cultures but also of the social and cultures mores all work to your advantage when you partner with Mainstream Global.
Mainstream Global, Inc., headquartered in Lawrence, Mass., owns and operates ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001, and R2-certified processing centers in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil. With over 19 years of directly servicing and re-selling assets from top-tier manufacturers, Mainstream Global is the recognized expert. Our partners rely on us for compliance, security, professionalism, and brand protection, all while providing the best returns and prioritizing global environmental standards.
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